066958-000"D" Burner Cap Subs From PA080045, PA080083
Universal Black Burner Cap used on most Viking ranges
When replacing burner caps, carefully align the tabs underneath the cap with the outside edge of burner. Make sure burner cap is level.
The surface burner caps should be routinely removed and cleaned. Always clean the burner caps after a spill over. Keeping the burner caps clean will prevent improper ignition and uneven flames. To clean, pull burner cap straight up from the burner base. Wipe off surface burner caps with warm, soapy water and a soft cloth after each use. Use a a non-abrasive cleanser such as Bon AmiTM and a soft brush or soft Scotch BriteTM pad for cooked-on foods. Dry thoroughly after cleaning. For best cleaning and to avoid possible rusting, do not clean in dishwasher or self-cleaning oven.
If you need help determining if this is the correct Viking Part for your Viking Appliance, just email us at [email protected] or call one of our Viking Part Pros at 888 988 4546.
- Due to ongoing manufacturing improvements by Viking Range, newer Viking parts may be slightly different than your existing part. These genuine Viking parts meet all specifications for function and will work with your Viking appliance. On occasion, these updated parts may require minor changes in how they mount or connect.
PA080083 "D" Burner Cap Subs From PA080045 Can't find the Viking part you want? Don't worry. We probably have it. Or we can get it. We stock over 5,000 unique Viking parts. If you don't see it here, we'll get it for you. Just email us at [email protected] or call one of our Viking Part Pros at 888 988 4546.
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